A Brazilian judge has ordered US swimmers Ryan Lochte and James Feigen not to leave the country, saying they gave conflicting accounts of how they were robbed at gunpoint outside the Rio Games at the weekend.
US gold medal swimmer Ryan Lochte was robbed in a taxi hold-up in Rio de Janeiro after leaving a party where he had been celebrating the end of the Olympic swimming programme.
The members of the US men's 4x100 metres relay team that won silver at the 2012 Olympics have been stripped of their medals following the doping conviction of sprinter Tyson Gay.
Disgraced retired cyclist Lance Armstrong has returned his 2000 Olympic medal to the US Olympic Committee (USOC) nine months after he was stripped of it, USOC officials said on Thursday.
American judo fighter Nick Delpopolo was expelled from the Olympics on Monday after testing positive for marijuana he said he ate accidentally before arriving in London. Delpopolo is the first of the 10,500 Games' athletes to fail an in-competition doping test.